During the holiday months, children are often in the car for a considerable part of the time if your family travels for weekend trips or to visit family. During this time they are usually distracted with the technologies of car televisions, electronic game systems, or even mini-computers. Sometimes, these distractions are a good thing and can even be educational. But, once in awhile it is good to give your child a toy a simple toy that can teach them great skills. Haba’s Magnetic Marble Mazes reinforce hand-eye coordination as well as problem-solving skills. By using the magnet children have to guide the marbles out of the maze.
The reason I recommend this product for car rides is because all the pieces are enclosed and no mess can be made from the maze. I find it enjoyable when my children play with this toy and I put on fun sing-a-long music. When they can sing and still are doing the maze, they are slowly learning multi-tasking. Allowing more than one part of their brain to be developing at one time.