Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day should be the one of the most important holidays on earth. I cannot think of a more thankless and rewarding job as being a mother. This year, on this Mother’s Day take the time to thank your mom. And if you are a mom – Enjoy your Day – you deserve it!
Every day should be Mother’s Day. Let’s make sure we tell all moms how special they are.

I cannot think of a more thankless job. I hate to even call it a job, but it is work, with long hours, no vacations and no pay. In the end if things don’t go the way they are suppose to then it is mom’s fault.

With that said, being a mom is the most rewarding jobs there is.  That pride… that feeling starts the moment you find out that you are pregnant, it as if life now has a deeper meaning… and if you watch, if you pay attention you will see the woman you once knew become one of the most amazing women you will ever meet.

Moms also have the innate ability to make everything alright. Moms never stop… they never get a day off… they are never really rewarded or credited for all they do.

This year, on this Mother’s Day take the time to thank your mom. And if you are a Mom – Enjoy your Day! Let her know how much she means to you. While in the end moms believe the greatest reward for all they have done is seeing their children turn into happy successful adults… we could all use a little acknowledgment and love along the way.


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